Kraft Pouches with single color printing

Kraft Pouches with single color printing

Looking for an eco-friendly alternative to pack your products? Take a look at our kraft pouches!
Customize with your logo or design of your choice
  • Reusable, Air Tight, Self Standing pouches with Zip lock feature
  • Food Grade Inner: These pouches are laminated with a food-grade inner, which protects the food items from odor and moisture.
  • Screen printing of your logo or design on one side.

Stand Up Pouches Customization Specifications:

Closure Type:
Customization Options:
Single color screen printing, Full color printing of pouches and labels.
Stand Up Pouch with bottom gusset
Minimum Order:
100 and 500 (single color and full color respectively)
Front Window, Zipper Closure,Reusable, Airtight

Why Use Stand Up Pouches for Packaging?

Stand Up pouches are a durable and convenient way to package your products. They are perfect for on-the-go, as they can be easily opened and closed with the zipper closure. Our stand-up pouches are suitable for both food and non-food products. They are stylish, afforable and easy to handle. From single colour printing to full colour printing we offer many ways to express your pouches to stand out.

Frequently asked questions about this Product

What are the sizes available? And how do I order one?
We offer 3 different sizes of stand up pouches for each category: small, medium, and large.
To order:
Choose the size and quantity you need for each pouch type.
Design your pouches with your own branding or artwork.
Place your order by making the payment
How can I share my design?Can I get my own logo printed on it?
Yes, you can get your own logo printed on your stand up pouches. You can share your design with us by uploading it to our website while ordering or by sending it to us via email, post ordering.Please make sure that it is in a high resolution file format
How do I seal the pouches?
You can seal the pouches using Heat sealing or zip lock.
What products can I pack in the StandUp Pouches?
Our Stanup ziplock pouches are perfect for storing and organizing a variety of itemsThese pouches are ideal for packaging food items such as nuts, dried fruit, and snacks, as well as non-food items like makeup, office supplies, and crafts. The clear window attached allows for easy identification of contents, and the compact size makes them easy to store and transport
How long does it take for the delivery of the pouches?
The estimated delivery time for stand up pouches will depend on the factors like size,artwork and quantity.Typically, the estimated delivery time for stand up pouches starts from 3 days and varies up to 7 days. However, this timeline might also vary depending on the factors listed above.